D1617 Homespun
Basket and Pumpkins
Basket 9"H Bisque
D1666 Homespun
Pumpkins 3.5"H
Bisque $9.00
CM1550 Spider
Candy Server
Bisque $13.50
CM1228 Cats Climbing
Pumpkins Set of 3
Bisque $12.00
Fall Halloween
Click on Einstein to leave us a
D1211 Tombstone Basket
8.5"T Bisque $11.40
Eggspression Characters
Not Included
S1490 Lg Screaming Pumpkin
Bisque $18.60 12"T
CP3088 Skull Light
CP3089 Pumpkin
Set Bisque $16.50
CM1076 KittyWitch with Pumpkin 6"W
<<<<< Bisque $11.10
Rv524 Pumpking Head
Ghosts 4"x 3"
Bisque $5.39 set
CM2636 Cat w/Trick
or Treat Pumplins
7.25" T
Bisque $12.00
J1081 Lg Pumpkin Belly Kitty
Witch 12"T
Bisque Price $16.50
Finished $34.00
CM2798-N Welcome/Goodbye Pumpkin 16"T x 11" W
Bisque $ 37.20 Light kit available seperately
CM1372 Lg Cuddle
Ghosts with Pumpkin
Bisque $25.50
D1197A&B Corn Shock
Candle Holder 8"H
Bisque $21.27
D897 Pumpkin Basket 10"T
Noggins on top of Basket
sold seperately Bisque $ 16.20
CM945 Cozy Ghosts ( Set of 3)
standing 5"T Bisque $12.00
CM958 Lg Pumpkin
Belly Ghost 10"T
Bisque $ 22.50 >>>>>
CM1770 Skull Dripper
6.5"T Bisque $15.00
CM1780 Frogs, Slime
and Brain Bisque $9.60
Frankie Candle
Bisque $12.60>>>
D1022 Mini Pumpkin Noggins set of four
2"T Bisque $5.10
I do not have the hands and feet at this
<<<Pumpkins 1" tall
Bisque $9.00 set
NM 1936 Boo Stack
Bisque $7.88>>>>
D563 Three Character
4"T Set of 3 Bisque $11.10
CP3454 Rip Tombstone
with crow. Shown here
in Greenware. Says
"IMA GONER" and "I told
you I was sick" 10 "T
Bisque $6.00 >>>>
CPI 3326 Pumpkins with
Birdhouse 18.5" Tall
Bisque $32.40
NM1877 Tomstone Row
4.5" x 8.5" Bisque $8.99
CM1542 Ghost Bear
Bisque $18.00
NM1868 Stack of Bats
8 3/4 x 4" Bisque $ 9.89
D548,D549,D562 Scarecrow on
Fence with accessories
Bisque $19.80
D562 Just the scarecrow
Bisque $9.00
Flowers sold seperately
CM2437 Happy Halloween
Kitten with sign and Kitten
Bisque $16.50
CM1227 Ghosts
Climbing Pumpkins
set of3
CM2440 Melting Witch
Bisque $12.00
CM950 Pumpkin Belly Bears
Bisque $12.00 set of 3
DH1341 Grim Reaper on
Horseback A frightening
figure for Halloween!
Bisque $23.99
CM1070 Set of Two
Pumpkin Belly Ghost
Set of two in Bisque
CM960 Set of Three
Pumpkin Belly Ghosts
with faces on Pumpkins
Set of 3 in Bisque $12.00
CM473 Sill Sitter Pumpkin
Lights up light kit available
seperately Bisque $12.00
Finished with light kit
CM2436 Have a Bootiful Day
Bisque $19.50
CM956 Pumpkin Belly
Lights up. Light
available seperately
Bisque $22.50
CM 17635 Cat
in Pumpkin
Bisque $15.00
Frankie Dripper
CM1769 Little
Bisque $12.00
Light or oil
burner sold
CM1067 Ghost with
Pumpkin Candle Cup
<<<<Bisque $11.10
CM1077 Bear with
Pumpkin Candle Cup
6"W Bisque $8.10
CM2703 Ghost Dish
Bisque $ 9.00
6.5"T x 5"W
CM2704 VampireDish
Bisque $9.00
5.75"T x "W P2020
Pumpkin Dish
Bisque $9.00
CM947 Cozy Ghost for
Pumkins Bisque $13.50
CM948 Three Smiling
Pumpkins $18.00
CM735 Large Mummy 15.5"Tall x 12.5" Wide Bisque $ 35.40
CM843 Mummy Jr 10.5"T x 9"W Bisque $19.50
CM731 & CM732 Frankie and Monster Friends 17"T x 9.75"W Bisque $44.40
CM837 & CM838 Frankie Jr and Monster Friends Bisque $ 28.50
CM839 Vampire and Bats 15"T x 9.5 W Bisque $41.40
CM953 Vampire Jr 11"T x 7.75 W Bisque $ 19.50
H2585 Pacifier Ghost Waving
Bisque $41.37
Pacifier extra, price dependent on
availability. You provide the bow and
the blanket ( unless you order them)
Oversized shipping ( this item is over
Finished with pacifier, bow and
blanket $82.86 Colors may vary, state
which colors you prefer
M316 Scarecrow with
Pumpkin 10"H
Bisque $10.20
D662 Sitting Ghosts 3.5"
Bisque $4.20
PCM282 Haunted
Castle 7"W x 8"T
Bisque $22.28
NM1816 Base
NM1948 Haunted
B994 Skull cup with
bone handle
D1020 Pumpkins for
Sale 5"H Bisque $9.72
D1019 Pumpkins In
Wagon 7"H Bisque $9.72
Sammy Spook
Rv967 Set of 13 Bats
1/2" to 3" Bisque $5.39
D1450 Sweet Tot
Witch with Broom
7"H Bisque $9.30
CM2106 Trick or Treat
Gang 17"W
<<<<Bisque $22.50
D1327 Ghost for Rakes or Brooms(Set
of 2 ) 3"H Bisque $4.50
D1326 Dancing Rakes 3"H (set of 2)
Bisque $5.40
D1326 Dancing Brooms 3"H (set of 2)
Bisque $ 5.40
Tiny dowel rods sold seperately
D677 Happy
Pumpkin Boxes
Set of 3 Bisque
Ghost Couple on Bench with Wishing Well, Owls,
Pumpkins and Butterflies
D662 Sitting Ghosts 3.5" Bisque $4.20
D624 Wishing Well 6"H Bisque $10.20
D645 Garden Bench and Legs $5.70
D661 Base for Well 12"L Bisque $6.00
D663-A Owl and Pumpkins 2"H Bisque $3.00
D646 Legs and Planters for Bench Bisque $5.70
CM1371 Sm Cuddle
Ghosts 5"Tall
Bisque $ 15.00
D678 Musical Ghosts on Fence Bisque $ 12.00
Shown here with blinkies (which I havent been able to
get, but we can make holes for red pinlights. Also uses a
music box and spring (optional))
D674 Winking-Blinking
Owls on Stump 6"H
Bisque $6.60
D1023 A&B Scarecrow Head and Hands
Bisque $21.90 Set
(2 x 4 stand sold seperately)
NM2128 Skull and Bones 7"L Bisque $6.89
NM2128 Tombstone 9" T Bisque $10.35
NM140 Grim Reaper
with Tombstone 12" T
Bisque $12.60
D1461 Oak Leaves and
Acorns 4" W Set of 3
Bisque $5.40
Cornucopia found on our
Thanksgiving Page
D1418 Candy Corn Noggins set of 8
(the smaller ones) 3"H Bisque $11.70
D859 Hands and feet $5.10 Uses two
sets of hands and feet
S1474 Startled Pumpkin
Bisque $16.80
S1318 Halloween Plaque
Bisque $5.70
7.25" x 6.5"
S227 Lg Pumpkin
10" Bisque $16.80
S1314 Lg Tall Pumpkin
Bisque $3.20
BY88 Lg Witch on
Pumpkin 7"T Bisque
K640 Pumkin with Corn
and mice Bisque $11.39
S1490 Lg Screaming
Bisque $18.60
This screaming pumpkin
has bloodshot eyes and
his mouth is cut open to
light it up
Please see our sweet tot page for pricing
See our sweet tot page
for prices
D2190 Small Pumpkin
Pot (no Lid) 7.25"Wide
Bisque $8.40
RV296 Pumpkin Stack with mouse in
middle 7" x 6" Bisque $10.47
D1996 Sitting Vultures
7"H Bisque $12.90
D1437 Spider Web Accent 10"W
Bisque $8.70
D1438 Cute Spiders Set of Three
4"W Bisque $ 5.40
RV92 Small Ghost 5"T
Bisque $5.39
RV59 Skull Plate 5" x 7"
Bisque $5.39
Rv527 Little Halloween
Critters SEt of 4 2" T
Bisque $6.89
RV 583 Four Small Open
Pumpkins 3.25" x 3.25"
Bisque $10.49
RV589 Four Small
Pumpkins with faces
2" x 2" Bisque $ 6.89
RV 608 Four tiny Ghost
Bisque $5.39 1.25" x 1.25"
D1453 Cute Bats (set of
three) shown here are
two sets 4"W
Bisque $5.40
DM0392 Pumpkin with
Lid Bisque $12.90
D1198 Stacked Pumpkin
Votive Holder 5"H
Bisque $10.80 pr2020
D1887 Cat in Leaf Pile
Candle Holder 6"W
Bisque $8.64
CM1958 LgPumpkin Dish
9.5" Diameter
Bisque $20.70
AT767 Plain Pumpkin Dish
14"L Bisque
$20.67 P2020
By242 A & B Haunted House
(lights up)
Bisque $27.00
ask for price on light kit
D1108A-B Hand In Hand
Ghosts (4 in one set)
D1108B-B Hand In Hand
Ghosts 2 complete sets
pictured. when ordering
please order
Bisque for one Set $29.88
D1306-B Rustic Log Candle Cups (set of 3)5" to 7"H
Bisque $11.88
D1308-B Calico Wing Boy Bats (set of 3) 5"H Bisque
D1309 Calico Wing Girl Bats (set of 3) 5"H Bisque $9.60
Calico corn use D1311 Sm Character corn (they are the
same if you set them face down)
Use fabric, that has been stiffened or paper craft to
make the wings then glue on, use 1/8 " ribbon to
accent. Dried corn husks can be use on the corn. (or if
you want to also use for wings just paint the husks)
Also See our Thanksgiving Page for more Cool Stuff !!
CM1539-N Haunted House Bisque $25.50
CM1540-N Ghost on Pumpking Bisque $7.50
CM1541-N Moon/turntable Bisque $6.00
Requires music box with extender, turntable and
Light kit
NM1821 Regular Skull Stack
8 1/2" Bisque $5.48
NM1864 Lg Skull Stack
11 1/2" Bisque $12.59
NM1871 Row of Skulls 8" Bisque $5.48
Larry, Curly and Moe on
Tree Stump
CM2810-N Lg Triple Tree
Stump Bisque $43.50
CM2807-N Larry Ghost
Bisque $ 10.50
CM2809-N Curly Ghost
Bisque $12.00
CM2808-N Moe Ghost
Bisque $ 9.00
If you need the Solar Light
please inquire if we have
any available, prices reflect
store prices ( we make no
profit on the lights, design
may vary )
This Solar light and pvc
stand are $ (as soon as I
find my receipt I will post)
one left
D1565 Six Cracked Pot Pumpkins
5"H Bisque $15.30
D1568 Welcome to Our Patch Sign
16"L Bisque $8.70
C1856 Ghost Cluster
Bisque $19.99
D352 Ghost 8"H Bisque $14.40
D353 Spider Hat 2"H Bisque $4.80
D1325-DD Halloween Cow
Box Bisque $6.48
D355 Spider on
Pumpkin Bisque $6
D394 Squirrel on
Lid with candy
corn Bisque $6.48
D391 Box Bottom
Bisque $6.48
D595 Spider on Candy
Corn Lid Bisque $ 6.00
D391 Box Bottom
Bisque $5.40
D344 Soft Sculptured
Scarecrow 9"H
Bisque $ 13.20
D1023 A & B Stuffed Shirt Scarecrow Head and Hands 12.5" H
Bisque $21.90
S1483 Yawning Pumpkin
Bisque $6.90
S1484 Crying Pumpkin
Bisque $6.90
S1485 Sleeping Pumpkin
Bisque $6.30
AT668 Lg Skull
Bisque $16.74
Haunted House
Backgrounds 13"T
Bisque $15.00
D231A&B-DD Witches
Hat with Squirrels
Bisque $19.50
D154 Pumpkin Stack
Bisque $19.08
D343 Soft Sculptured
Window Pumpkins
Bisque $
We do not have this
particular base at this
D117 Scarecrow
<<<This scarecrow is
currently MIA we will
post his prices when we
find him
D679 3 Plain Pumpkins
Bisque $11.10
D1201 Bat Expressions set of 3
Wings created seperately
Bisque $6.00
D1301 Season Basket Bisque
D Two Plain Inserts (you put
the spider web fabric over it)
Set of Two $6.00
K472 Witch with
Kettle and Potions
Bisque $10.30
CM3879-M Lg Top Hat
Ghost Attachment
CM3818 Top Hat
CM3883-N Lg Top Hat
S1511 Arched Shadow Box
Bisque $12.60
S1886 Halloween Shadow
Scene Bisque $6.60
D1885-E Boy with Rake 7"H Bisque $9.90
D1886-E Girl with Rake 6.5"H Bisque $9.90
Boy and girl require part of a dowel
rod to make leaf handle
D1887 Cat in Fall Leaves 6"W $7.20
D558 Victorian Girl
"Autumn" 12"T
Bisque $16.50
"Dress-Up" Witch on
Bisque $9.30
Requires little wig (not
currently in stock)
NM1508 Ghost
w/Pumpkin 8"x5"
Bisque $8.99
D566 Pumpkin Trio
10"H Bisque $12.60
RV321 Pumpkin Stack
Bisque $6.89
RV480 Pumpkin Sticking
His Tongue Out 8"x6"
Bisque $17.39
RV481 Pumpkin with
Cheeky Grin 8"x7"
Bisque $17.39
Bisque $37.20
CM2701-LL Base
Bisque $12.60
CM2701-LL Base
Bisque $12.60
CM2978-LL & CM2979-LL
Welcome Dragon & Turret
Bisque $45.30
Dragon and Base $57.90
Bisque $43.50
CM3023-LL Medium Pumpkin
Bisque $28.50
CM3152 Oak and Maple
Leaves Each Set Bisque
I'm not sure how many are in
a set until these arrive
CM3153-LL Acorns Bisque
J710-KK Tree Nest Bisque $ 17.40
J711-KK Pebble Base Bisque $15.90
J739-KK Cat on Pumpkin Stack Bisque $8.40
J740_KK Vultures Bisque $5.40
S-TL518-GG Lg. Stickman
16" T
Bisque $15.60
CM2247 Boo Ghosts
Bisque $17.40
CM4062 Jack the Pumpkin
Stack Bisque $18.90
Star Cut outs extra
CM4065 Quintet of Crows
Bisque $17.40 Set of 5
CM4068 GB Spooky Ghosts (Set of 3)
Bisque $20.70
Candle Holders
Bisque $ 12.60
TBr363 Ghost w/Pumpkln
& Bat
D1558 Ginger Pumpkins 3"H
Bisque $9.78
CM4063 Jack the Scarecrow
Bisque $27.00
CM4064 Jessie the Scarecrow
Bisque $27.00
Sizes Listed on picture
CM4065 Quintet of Crows
Bisque $17.40
CM4145 Franken Gnome
Bisque $ 7.90 each gnome
CM4146 Mummy Gnome
Bisque $7.90 each gnome
CM4147 Vampire Gnome
Bisque $7.90 each gnome
Set of 3 gnomes, all the same
or assorted $23.70
CM4102 Truck
Bisque $18.90
CM4177 Pumpkins for Pickup
Bisque $12.00
D1196A&B Hand-Hand
Scarecrows(4 in Set
double sided) Need
Order Two sets to get
the eight 8.5 In Tall
Bisque $29.88