S1194 & S1196-QQ Buck Facing Right with antlers 18″
Bisque $ 42.60
S1193 LG Doe Facing Right 18″ Bisque $36.30
S1301 Fawn Sitting Facing Left 10″ Bisque $15.30
S1195 Fawn Sitting Facing Right 10″
Bisque $15.30
S1197 Fawn Sleeping Bisque $15.92
S1345 Fawn with antlers Grazing Bisque $24.90
Deer do not come with bows and flowers unless
ordered that way. additional charges dependent
on the retail cost of add-ons
S1197-QQ,FFF,MMM Sleeping Fawn
Bisque $15.92 pr23
S1200-QQ Laying Fawn Eye Open Bisque $15.92
Fawn Sitting Up
S1345 Fawn with antlers Grazing
Bisque $24.90 pr23
S1218 And S1249 Standing
Deer with Antlers
Bisque $24.90 pr23